Persuasive Writing

Hi Everyone


In class we have been learning to do persuasive writing.  We have to have an opinion, and reasons for it.  Then we have to extend our reasons and write a conclusion.  Here is my writing.

INTRODUCTION – Give your opinion or point of view
Do you think we should have world peace? Well I do. We don’t want wars because people will die. A lot of resources are wasted on wars. Special historical places can also be destroyed when exposed to wars. Acquiring world peace is not that hard. We just need to work together.
Reason 1 – this is the most important reason. People dying
Without world peace, there will be wars and with wars, people’s lives will be lost. Innocent people’s lives will be lost and that is a big problem. People are drafted to war even if they don’t want to and they have a high chance to die. Millions of people will die from wars so the world population might decline.
Reason 2 Resources wasted
A lot of time and resources are wasted on wars instead of using it to build more public schools so that even poor people can get education. Those resources can also be used to make more hospitals and finding cures for currently incurable diseases..
Reason 3 Special buildings/history destroyed
Wars can destroy landscapes which may have special historical places. Historical places should be studied so we can learn about the history of certain places and if they get destroyed, we can’t study them. Studying history helps us understand how events in the past made its way to how we are today.
We need world peace to prevent wars that kill people. We also waste a lot of time and resources on making weapons for wars instead of using it to make public schools and hospitals. Wars can also destroy valuable historical places that should be studied.